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Privacy Policy

We guarantee most astounding principles in keeping up your data protection, if you don't mind read the accompanying proclamations to find out additional.

This Privacy Policy is viable from April 05, 2013. Kindly know that our security strategy can be changed whenever without notice. Along these lines, if you don't mind ensure you check this approach consistently.

Kindly don't utilize our Website on the off chance that you don't Agree. You consent to our utilization and revelation of your data as per this Privacy Policy just with utilization of the Website. This Policy is liable to the Terms of Use.

By visiting this Website, you consent to every one of the terms and states of this Privacy Policy.

Collected Information

1. We require people who register to use to give us contact information. Depending on the services chosen, we ask for contact and account information, such as name, company name, address, phone number, e-mail address, in addition to financial and billing information, such as billing name, address and credit card number. When you express interest in additional information, when you register for the Services, or after you become a user.

2. Siddu Events does not distribute or share customer e-mail addresses, except as noted in its Terms of Service, or as may be required by law.

3. Siddu Events uses the information we collect to set up the Services for individuals Clients. We may also use the information to contact customers and prospects to further discuss their interest in our company, the Services we provide and ways we can improve them, and to send information such as announcements of promotions and events regarding our company or partners. We may also e-mail a customer newsletter and updates about the Services or the company. You can opt out of receiving these communications by replying to them at the time they are distributed or at any time by e-mailing us.

4. All financial and billing information that we collect through a Siddu Events Web site and the Services is used solely to bill for the Services. Siddu Evnets does not use this billing information for marketing or promotional purposes. Except as we explicitly state at the time we request information, or as provided for in the Siddu Events Terms of Service, we do not disclose to any third party the information provided.

5. Siddu Events has referral relationships with third-party companies and individuals (Referral Partners) who refer their customers to Siddu Events. Customers who become users of a Siddu Events online company through a Referral Partner are considered customers of both Siddu Events and the Referral Partner. Siddu Events and a Referral Partner may share customer contact as well as account, financial and billing information with respect to their joint business relationship with the customer. The sharing of this information allows Siddu Events and the Referral Partner to establish the identity of the shared customer and determine referral fees owed. This sharing also allows Referral Partners to provide consolidated billing services to the shared customer. Shared contact and account, financial and billing information is governed by the Siddu Events Terms of Service. Siddu Events does not share your business data with Referral Partners.

6. Siddu Events may also collect certain information from visitors to a Siddu Events Web site and customers of the Services, such as Internet addresses. This information is logged to help diagnose technical problems and to administer the Siddu Events Web site and Services in order to constantly improve quality. We may also track and analyze non-identifying and aggregate usage and volume statistical information from visitors and customers and provide such information to third parties.